We strive to satisfy our customers. Answering all their questions and needs in the best way possible is our daily job.
We do not only want to meet expectations, we aim for more. All our collaborators invest a lot of efforts to make Exequatur Srl a successful business with happy clients.
We guarantee equal opportunities, continuing education and a positive working environment to all our collaborators.
All our activities are performed with the strictest and highest respect of all EU and Italian regulations for safety, environment preservation, health protection and privacy.
Our internal processes are designed with quality management in mind, and they are continuously monitored and calibrated.
We want to be a responsible and conscious business, with positive societal impact.
→ Politica per la qualità (in Italian)
The only type of job we can conceive is a safe job. No compromise on that.
The health and the safety of all our collaborators is of paramount importance for us. We do not allow our precious staff to work outside any of the current regulations for HSE.
Via a periodic assessment of key performance indicators, we guarantee that all our HSE politicies are enforced and respected.
We promote societal, business and personal responsibility.
If you, like us, believe that businesses can contibute to a better and safer world, then we are the right partner for you.
→ Politica HSE (in Italian)
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